Thursday, January 18, 2007

Cable and Stairs

Most of you know I used to work for a cable company and when I quit to go back to school one of the money saving avenues we pursued was the cancellation of the cable that we had. I grew up without cable and since being married and having cable I've been catching up! I love my tv. When we cancelled they stopped our billing but the cable continued for free. I knew eventually they'd do an audit and turn it off, but I was hoping that wouldn't happen until I was finished school and we could turn it back on.

Tuesday afternoon there was a knock at the door. Cable guy. He offered to keep it on for a lower rate for a few months (marketing tactic I knew they'd try). I asked if I could talk to my husband first and he said he'd be back in two days. I'm assuming that is today. I still have cable, but I know the bad man is coming to turn it off and I am sad. I am going to miss a few shows in particular, but most I can live without. We'll both miss Studio 60 On The Sunset Strip - if you haven't seen it check it out, it's fabulous. There are others I will miss but that one in particular. We have a good set of rabbit ears so we'll see what that picks up.

The reason I am thinking about this more today is I am home watching tv. My school schedule is actually pretty good compared to those in the elementary or Catholic stream, but Thursdays are brutal. I'm there from 8 to almost 5, in the same room, with the same people. It's such a long day. My back always hurts by the end of the day as the chairs aren't great. I threw my back out before we got married and was off work for 3 months, and it hasn't been the same since, but since my surgery in May it'd been much better.

Lying on the couch last night doing some reading I pushed up and adjusted how I was lying and wrenched my back. It hurt. Bad. When Rich got home he gave me some Tylenol 3 which makes me stupid. We went to bed and I figured a good night of rest and I'd be fine - it'd be tough to sit in those chairs all day but I'd be ok.

I got up just after 6am today, and started downstairs and Chewie came flying down behind me, hit me, and knocked me down the rest of the stairs (about 8 0r so I think). I ended up at the bottom in a lot of pain. Needless to say I did not go to school. Between the long day of class, the commute there and back on the GoTrain, TTC, and car, and the intensely heavy backpack, there was no way I was going to make it in. So now I'm lying on the couch doing the ice and drugs routine and hoping I can make it to class tomorrow. Natasha has been a fabulous help as usual and she's visiting later tonight so I'm not watching my snowy tv alone.

Time for more ice. Hope everyone is doing better than I am!


At 1:09 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Back injuries suck...been there, done that. And what really sucks, is that you will never again be 100% ... so much for 30 years on the job, huh? I hope you are feeling better Jaci...tell Dick to get some of the "good drugs." - I'm sure he has connections ;) Just kidding!

At 8:42 AM, Blogger Andrea said...

Having compressed two discs in my back (17 yrs old, flew off waterslide, bounced off HEAD landed in pool, NASTY accident) the life of chronic back pain is one I know all too well...and it is true you NEVER will be 100% again.....I totally sympathize

uh, yeah next time you see john, get rich to slip him some T3's for me too please......I'll make home-made butter tarts as a trade!?!?!?

At 10:41 AM, Blogger Jaci said...

Can't help you out Andrea sorry! I got my T3's for my back pain last time and my surgery, and I've rationed them ever since. I don't take them often because I'm so stupid on them, but they do work.

At 12:12 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ouch! Not fun getting knocked down, poor girl. Hope you are doing a bit better now.

At 12:48 PM, Blogger miranda said...

oh man jaci!

i'll be thinking of you. If 100% recovery isn't possible, i pray you reach 99%!


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