Saturday, March 31, 2007

More birthday surprises.

So in the past Rich has attempted to surprise me for my birthday and has not succeeded. He normally gives hints that he thinks are no big deal but I figure out the whole surprise. This time, he did REALLY well. Jen picked me up just after noon and we left for Toronto. We chatted on the way there and one of the things we talked about was Rich's surprise attempts in the past. We got to the theater, and were heading for our seats. There were two people on the end of the row and we were the next two seats. I looked down at them and did a double take. One was Rich. He had got up at 5:30 in the morning and gone to work or so I thought. He actually went to his Mom's, then took a bus, train, and subway to the theater. Rich hates Toronto I was so proud of him.

The musical was incredible. Rich's favorite so far, and it was right up there for me. We left after picking up some souvenirs and got on the highway. After a bit of an adventurous drive we headed towards Montana's in Ancaster for dinner and a movie. We got to the restaurant and I saw our friend Susan from church. I said hi, and then looked to her left, and there was Melissa, a friend of ours. Then Darren...I realized they were there to eat with us - Rich had pulled off another surprise! So it ended up that I had a birthday dinner with Susan, Melissa, Darren, Kaelyn, Adrian, Carolyn, Jen, Karyn, Brendan, Jen and Sarah. Kevin was there when we got there and was sweet enough to try and get us a table, and then went to his other commitment.

Thank you to everyone, it was a great night. Thank you most of all to Rich. I love you, and you are the best present I've ever had.

Friday, March 30, 2007

Back to school....

So today was my last day teaching. It's frustrating. It takes a few days to get comfortable with the kids and the staff, and once you settle into a pattern you are thinking ok this is what I want to do with my life this is great. Then after 4 weeks they yank it away! I have to go back to school for 3 more weeks and then I have another 4 week placement. I do like my time in my classes, but once you get to actually teach, you just want to keep doing that.

My evaluation went very well, and I got another great letter of recommendation, so to celebrate we rented a couple movies. While we were standing there waiting to check out, who should walk in but Fred Eisenberger, the mayor of Hamilton. He's quite nice. Turns out Rich coached both his kids in waterpolo, and he was there to pick up his son so they chatted a bit. Now we're snuggled in watching movies and in about 17 hours I will be waiting for the curtain to go up on We Will Rock You!

Thursday, March 29, 2007


So yesterday was my birthday. I had a fun day at school with the kids and teachers. A few of the teachers signed a card for me (one of them said death is immanent, carpe diem - depressing huh?), and then the kids sang to my in my fourth period class. School was pretty fun.

Before school Rich got up and made me pancakes and gave me my gift. He had got me tickets to see We Will Rock You on Saturday in Toronto! I am going with the fabulous Jen, and I am really looking forward to it. He always gets me the best gifts! Before I left he said there was one more surprise that would be waiting when I got home, and as he was working I had to call him before I went in the house so he could hear my reaction.

When I got home we were on the phone and he opened the door. Rich was able to get a vacation day which was great, and he had also gone out to Welland to pick up Gary to spend the evening with us! We had some steak, and then went back to Welland with Gary, and saw Wild Hogs while we were there. So funny. Loved it.

Dropped off Gary, and then came home the scenic route. We had banana strawberry milkshakes at home while watching the American Idol results show and an episode of House. All in all it was a really nice birthday.

Two sleeps till We Will Rock You!

Sunday, March 18, 2007

We survived!

Most of you who read this and who have known us for a while know that friends of ours, Darren and Melissa, had triplets in October. They also have a three year old, Liam. So yesterday, being St. Patrick's Day, Darren was playing in a band at a pub, and Melissa was going to try to join him, so she asked Rich and I to babysit. Rich was a bit worried that the two of us wouldn't be able to handle so many babies alone, so we recruited child care worker extraordinaire, Natasha, to help out.

We were just about to leave for their house after a roast beef dinner with Nick and Natasha, and Rich started "feeling sick". At least that's what he says. I think he chickened out!! He really wasn't doing well, so off Tash and I went. Melissa went to get ready in peace while we handled the munchkins. James was sleeping, and Paul, Jessica and Liam needed to sleep. Natasha left to get Liam ready for bed, and rescued me when two of the babies were crying at once and took one till I could get the other settled. I have to say I think we did pretty well. By 9pm , all four kids were sleeping. Around 10ish we woke up Jessica and James and fed them and changed them, then once Jessica was down I got Paul and fed him while Natasha finished up with James. Then we had a bit of a disaster.

We were out of diapers. Paul had his diaper off, and Natasha was standing with him while I was scouring the place for diapers. I found tons, all too small. Then Natasha took a turn, and again, came up empty handed. I took one more shot at it and found one diaper in a diaper bag. I handed it over to Natasha who was standing at the change table with a half naked Paul. She reached for the diaper, but not before Paul decided to pee on her. It was hilarious (largely because he didn't pee on me). Made my night.

Anyway we got Paul down, and again 4 kids were sleeping. Not bad! I don't know how Melissa does it day in and day out, so often on her own, I certainly couldn't. Such cuties though, and we had fun. Thanks Natasha, not many friends would be peed on for me!

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

March Break

I love March Break! I'm in the middle of my second practicum at a school in Hamilton and it's been very interesting. I'm teaching a different subject, but also a completely different type of student than I did last time. It's been challenging, but fun. I have two more weeks to go - one of them is literacy week, getting the grade 10's ready to write the literacy test on the 29th.

As Rich stated on his blog we were in Kingston visiting my family for a few days. We celebrated Rich and my birthday's, along with Easter as all of us but Gary were together. Mom made an awesome birthday dessert that I can't wait to get my hands on, called Banoffee pie. So good. Anyway the really cool part of the week is I got to shadow my Mom for a day in court.

The first part of the day we spent in remand court, which was mostly a bunch of date setting. The rest of the day with the exception of a very brief stint in the video bail court we were in the guilty plea court. The judge is someone that goes to Rotary with my Dad, and they have a good relationship. He really likes Mom and has a lot of personality. I saw a few guys get fined, some get put on probation, some get taken to jail, some get let off and their record cleared (rare). I've never been in a court room before, it was definitely a new experience. You have to bow to the judge when you come in, and if you make eye contact he'll usually nod back.

Dad and Rich joined us at the very end of the day, and the court clerk asked if we wanted to meet the judge. Mom didn't want to disturb him but the rest of us said yes. He was very funny and kind. He let me ask a bunch of questions and said he'd love to visit a class some day when I was teaching Civics or something. He is one of the few judges in this court that use a laptop while he's on the bench. I asked if he played solitaire while he was up there. I totally would. It's surprising how many people had been there many, many times before, and how many seemed to know exactly where they were going.

Anyway it was eye opening and a great experience. The judge said I was welcome in his courtroom anytime (which was a kind thing to say, although it is a public court!). We are home now, and relaxing our vacation away. Hope everyone else is having a great March Break!

Sunday, March 04, 2007

Life goes on....

So I am still sick. It has been hanging on longer than normal which is really frustrating considering all I have to get done. Today I'm having a reasonably relaxing day. It's my hubby's birthday so we're doing some vegging before heading off to church tonight.

One fun thing this week, I have discovered Facebook. So fun! I've been able to chat with bunches of people from high school which is fun.

The next week should be quite a busy one. Only four days of school before March Break (yaaaayy) but lots to cram in. The kids in the HWDSB had a half day on Friday and the staff had a PD Day in the afternoon, but Friday was a sort of a write off because so few kids show up on the half days apparently. Now in the next four days we have to fit in 6 days of teaching. Should be fun! I still love teaching, and I'm learning a lot teaching the level I am right now - very different than my last school. I'm glad I've been able to see the two ends of the spectrum.

Better go make up some Elf Punch for Rich and Gary. I can't have any cause it has pop in it. Lent. Grrrrrr.