Today is not a fun day.
Healing is still being slowed by something - we're not sure if it's infection or what but it's very frustrating. I have my surgeon's pager number and I actually used it last night to talk to him so we have some new things to try. I'm tired of trying things though, I just want to be better. I just got home from St Joes emerge yet again. I have to see the surgeon on Monday. The emerge dr looked like a younger Henry Winkler and was very nice. He took a quick look and said he'd call the plastics on call surgeon (who happened to be my surgeon). Rich said this was a good sign - meaning it was worth going in. If it'd been nothing he would have sent me home. So my surgeon is actually in the OR right now and he's expected to be there for around 8 hours. So I will go back in to see him on Monday. I was supposed to see him June 5th, then not again till June 29th, but I've been in to see him June 5th, in to see another surgeon June 8, in again today, and now the 19th. I'm getting tired of St Joes.
Today was supposed to be a fun day.
A few months ago my best friend Karyn called me to tell me about her annual birthday party BBQ at her place which would be happening today. Needless to say we are not going to her birthday party. Sorry Karyn!
Second was the Freeway BBQ. Being outside, and again that Rich is sleeping and I'm not overly comfortable driving yet, I won't be at that either. I'd probably be fine to just go and sit, but I can't carry a lawn chair, get there, and I wouldn't last long. Even if I hitched a ride with someone I'd have to leave so much earlier than everyone it won't work.
Third, I have a wedding to go to in July and the bridal shower which is a surprise is tonight. So again, missing out on that. Have fun Sharon!
Fourth, my family is having a Father's Day BBQ for my grandfather in Toronto that again, I can't go to.
Finally, I am so stir crazy I'd be happy to go just about anywhere right now, but I am home. So if anyone else is stuck at home like me, I hope you have a good day!
For all those going out, have fun for me! I hope to be joining the rest of the world soon!
For my wonderful husband, thank you for taking such good care of me, for giving up your sleep to take me to the hospital, for going to work tired so we can eat and pay rent and all those good things, and for being so understanding. I love you.
What a bummer! Sorry you're having a crappy day - you're missed and loved!
I just want to give you a hug.
I'm sorry you're hurting and that things are taking so long.
I'm praying for you.
I love you!
Sorry to hear your recovery is taking longer and being as uncomfortable as you describe. Every time I Read your blog these days, I feel such pain for you, I hope you feel better soon.
Smile, you are lucky you have such a loving and caring husband.
Jaci - sorry to hear that it's not going well. What can we do?
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