Thursday, July 27, 2006

Kick us while we're down.....

The landlords got back to us about the mould and tried to pin it on our pets. No amount of pet peeing could cause this problem. It's ridiculous. We found the problem last night, there were two downspouts pouring directly down into crack in the foundation. This is so not our fault. They also tried to say we must have removed the pipe that makes the water flow away from the house. Why in the world would anyone do that? We don't even go to that side of the house.

Anyway just for a good kick me while I'm down, yesterday as Rich was cleaning and doing laundry, the washer broke. Many of you know we didn't have a dryer when we moved in and it was months before we had one and didn't have to hang dry our clothes. It's the landlord's washer so we asked what they wanted us to do with it. They said get rid of it. So we had to buy a washing machine. Grrrrr.

Then the lawnmower broke. It was our (read: Rich's) fault, but it's a cheap repair and we'll pay for that as it was our fault, however it happened yesterday too. In a couple days it'll be as good as new.

Do we move? Do we keep renting? Do we buy? We like this house and moving would be such a huge hassle. Needless to say we've been cleaning like mad today so there is no way they can say there is any evidence of pets anywhere (other than the litter box and 75lb german shepherd).

The couch broke too.

Back to cleaning.


At 7:33 PM, Blogger Andrea said...

OH jaci............if you lived near me, I dont even know you face and face and I'd let you use my washer and dryer what's some laundry between bloggie buddies..............I DONT fold..dont ask a good sorter...... :)

Perhaps your weekend will have a silver lining???..I'm getting out my lucky charms and sending good thoughts your way....


At 10:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh man, that sucks.

Hopefully good things come in threes as well.

At 11:43 AM, Blogger John said...

Oh man, it always happens that way doesn't it? Everything goes wrong all at once.

As far as the mould situation goes, the landlord is WAY off base, the kind of mould is only because of water, I kinda thought there must have been a crack in the foundation. The thing is, the water must have been leaking there for a long time to crack it in the first place.

If you need anything let me know.


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