Monday, April 16, 2007

Are you too busy?

Although I hate getting up early to commute to Toronto for school one thing that brightens my morning are the buskers. There is a great violin player at Union who sometimes works with an accordion player. There is also a guy at Spadina Station quite often playing guitar and singing. They make me happy and I often wish I had more time to listen. We don't have a lot of $$ but I gave Mr. Violin some at Christmas and hope to at the end of school as well if I see him this week.

This article is a long read, but worth it. Are you too busy to stop and enjoy the music?


At 12:17 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow! What a moving article! I usually can't be bothered (like so many others) to read the really long pieces in the newspaper, but as soon as I start to read that one, it drew me in. It really makes me rethink walking downtown in Toronto, and just briskly ignoring the buskers. However, as the article says, I did take time to notice them when I was in England. Perhaps it was because I was on vacation...and had more time to stand around and just 'stop and enjoy the music.' Either way...what a compelling expirament!

At 2:46 PM, Blogger Jaci said...

I thought so too Ashley! Thanks for checking it out - such a cool experiment.


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